Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Time away

Today I leave to go out of town without my husband. I'll be gone for 3 nights. I've been anxious for weeks but I've been reminding myself that he's been in recovery for over 2 years and he is responsible for his own recovery.

I have talked to him about my anxiety and he has assured me he will keep himself busy with healthy activities and that if he feels triggered he will reach out to other SSA members. I could drive myself crazy thinking about all the things that could happen while I'm gone, but I have to let those thoughts go and trust that he will be fine so that I can enjoy my trip. Ugh. I hate this feeling.


  1. I completely relate! It took me years to learn to completely enjoy my time away and leave his behaviors at home.

    1. Funny thing is once I got off the plane I was no longer anxious. Maybe because I was so busy catching up with my friend, but I just let go and had a wonderful time.


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