Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sharing is blog on facebook

I recently noticed that people were referred to my blog from Facebook. My heart sank, I instantly went into panic mode...fear, shame, insecurity and catastrophic thoughts flooded my mind. It is TERRIFYING knowing that my blog is really out there in the universe just floating around...who knows how many people will see it.

It's scary to think about the possibility that people could send me hurtful messages or worse, that somehow, someone could identify me. I suppose I wouldn't be as freaked out if my husband wasn't a sex offender...the stigma (which I totally understand) is very much alive and it scares people.

I wanted to share my story because I know there are lots of other people who could benefit from reading it and having a situation to relate to. I didn't have that myself (early on) and I wish I had. I also write because it gives me the freedom to share my feelings, hopes, fears and frustrations as I work through them.

I hope that if you have stumbled upon my blog for support, you have found it...if you don't agree with the choices I have made, that's ok...before this became my life I wouldn't have agreed with it either.

While I know Facebook is a HUGE network,  if you happen to recognize my story, please respect my wish to remain anonymous.

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