Monday, July 18, 2016


Things have been nice and quiet lately. My husband finished his required sex offender treatment program. As of now the reclassification has been stayed, although we aren't sure for how long.
We are hoping his PO will put in the request for early release from probation soon so we can finally travel and see family. I cannot wait until we are free....well, more free!


  1. my husband is a sex offender as well. He finished his 10 years in 2012 and was removed. We moved to a new state and he had to re-register, but not be on the visible website until they made a review of his case. They just cleared him a couple of months ago. I thought we were in the clear. First I've heard of this Adam Walsh act! Can you tell me what you know about it? And I agree... the sex offender registry is more of a scare tactic and the state covering it's butt in case there is a re-offense (which there rarely is) the men who should be behind bars generally stay there. These laws are mostly politicians trying to pad their resumes because who in their right mind would vote against a law protecting people from 'predators'. I also want to know where the lists of domestic violence and drug dealers are. There isn't a registry for murderers... Those people are more dangerous than most people on the offender registry.

  2. Sorry for my late reply...From what I understand of the Adam Walsh Act is is basically re-classifying based on the actual crime committed and not on the circumstances or what their psychsexual assessment re-offense category is. It is also retroactive dating back to the late 1950's.
    So for instance, if an SO was deemed low risk and served their time and let's say a 10 yr registration, but based on their actual crime is now deemed high risk they must register for life. So many SO'S who have been relieved of registering now have to register and have their info public.
    I know there is a lot more to it, but that is the short of it.


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